For those of you that can get to Corfu in Greece, August 3-9, this'll be an epic experience. Nic and I will be giving a talk on sacred union, and, we'll get to connect, dance and sing together! Awarë will be there, Ape Chimba, a bunch of the Yawanawa chiefs, it’s going to be amazing.
‘The longing for sacred relationship is alive in all of us. The call to rise into deep union awakening in the collective field. It is time. To reclaim this inner and outer balance of the masculine and feminine force. To step into sovereign love. How do we go about it? How do we face our personal and collective wounds to be able to step into this healing power? Why is it essential to stay sharp in our higher vision and devotion? In this talk, Nic and Sarah will answer all of this and expand on their own wild ride into sacred union.’
Click here for the link and use the code: COLIBRI20 for a 20% discount.