Stand In Your Power, Open Your Heart, Claim Your Voice.

“Wow. Thank you Sarah. That was fucking powerful! Thank you for sharing your medicine and shining your light into the space, loved every minute of it.”



It is the one from pleasing to sovereignty, from harmonizing to discernment, from ‘I am fine’ to ‘I dare to feel it all', from ‘doing it right’ to doing it her way, from using seduction to get what she wants to standing strong in her sexual power.

It is the initiation from Maiden to Priestess. From Princess to Queen. From Fragile to Sensitive. From Nice Girl to Womanhood.

It is she who stands in her power by knowing her YES and NO, who reveals the truth of her heart in a way that creates connection over closing, who stands in her sexual force without numbing or leaking, and who has left behind the parts of her disempowered maiden and has stepped into her magnetic womanhood.

In our time together, we’ll explore this initiatory process through soul-reflection, story-telling and embodiment practice.

Workshop Highlights:

• Uncover the Nice Girl archetype and how it keeps you small and in co-dependence.
• Learn a powerful boundary practice to feel your authentic YES and NO in your body.
• Experience the Princess-to-Queen initiation and release disempowered maiden traits.
• Practice revealing your heart’s truth and embodying your magnetic feminine essence.
• Learn to hold your sexual energy as a source of power.

This is a 1.2 hour live, pre-recorded workshop for you to return to anytime – you'll receive lifetime access.

“Oh my goodness I cannot express my gratitude enough! Thank you so much for such an empowering experience. Sarah's guidance just blew my mind. Feel like I got to places I've never been before. It was truly such an honour to be there - THANK YOU.”