Black Light

Did you know that some light is black?
It shines the brightest darkness 


One night, she beckoned me
to descend into her void

I could only enter her
If I let everything behind

My identity, my mind,
my stories, my ideas

You see,
The Black Goddess doesn’t do names
No sugar-coating, or preferences
No country-boarders, no race
She devours all separation
transmuting patriarchal programming &
misalignment into impeccable innocence,
once again

I shook & trembled
With nothing to hold onto
no past, no future
no time, no space,
Only darkness
Only deeply, utterly surrendered,
For I knew, deep down, she was
my true home

Blinded by black light
my heart being gently, but perpetually,
broken right open
My mind relaxed
Chaos was birthed
& limitless possibilities emerged

‘What would you like to create?’

She asked 


Allow the true mother,
to dissolve you into the purest, divine, Love
where the sweetest silence embraces you
with the rich, all-enveloping darkness
of Love


Shards of Shakti

