The illusion of the wounded masculine

You know that part of you that was taught
to work hard
to strive
to push
for money
for success
to become

Who tells you that when you’re not productive
you are lazy
unworthy, even?

That pleasure
That abundance
isn’t something that simply is your birth-right
utterly natural
but that it’s something to be deserved?

Do you hear that little voice
who tells you to always be positive?
That feelings are something
to be fixed?
Who whispers; ‘be tough!’
a lone-wolf
an island
and by God,
don’t look needy!

Do you recognize where you believe
that life is lack?
And you compare..
That you need to go, go, go!
Do, do, do!
Win, win, win!
Control, control, control!
And still
it is never done
never enough
it never

What if I told you
that that part of you
is your wounded masculine?
And that he isn’t only wrong
that he is illusionary?
That his logic is faulty
inspired from a cultural trauma
a collective fear.

What if you lived a life
initiated from pleasure
and abundance?
And then add the healthy masculine structure necessary?
Wouldn’t you be
a super attractor?
A being of radiance and power?

What if you believed
that resting was productive?
That money could be a flow
of ease?
That you could surrender
to your inner light
to your heart
and your courage would always
be rewarded?
That all the genius creative ideas
want to wash over you!
Like big raindrops on a hot summer night
falling freely from the sky!

That there is no becoming
only being?
That there is no striving
only doing the work
from the inside out?
That you could thrive
greatly, magically, gloriously, graciously
by being the unapologetic, unconditioned version
of you?

Do you dare to believe in leading from the heart?
Are you ready to step into a new paradigm?
A time for the feminine, for a bright new dream?


No more playing small

