We are the living flames

We are the living flames
The women who dare to feel
the full magnitude of their volcanic heart 
Who dance bare feet and bare skinned
like warm-winded tornados
intoxicated by our love of chaos 
Who rebirth after every cycle of the moon
Dark, ancient and unafraid, into our heightened selves 

We are the living flames
Who look at nature and see ourselves being mirrored
Our gift, our creation, our mother 
Who fight to not dull our eyes
Shining bright like soul-diamonds
Who crack open after being shamed and dismissed
and it hurts to let love in

We are the living flames
Who look passed the mask on your face
knowing when you are hiding
Who will give you their body only
when you are willing to hold our heart
Who bloom like the eight-coloured rose
Guided by Venus, Inanna and Isis’s wings

We are the living flames


Inner Sacred Union


Womb Whispers